
  • We apply the American/British Curriculum for the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science.
  • The International Curriculum with suitable adaptations is the foundation for other subjects such as Global Perspective, Music, Art, Physical Education and Computing.
  • French is taught as a second language from Kindergarten.
  • Children’s social and emotional wellbeing is an integral part of our philosophy here at RIS. Thus, through Character Building lessons and assemblies we emphasise the importance of life skills such as: respect, honesty, kindness and independence.

Teachers use a wide range of strategies to deliver curriculum content such as science investigations, interactive hands on projects, presentation skills activities, games, listening and speaking activities and outdoor learning through field trips. These strategies are used in conjunction with other more formal methods and ongoing assessments such as spelling tests, quizzes, writing tasks and assessments. Our teachers prepare and deliver their lessons using a range of resources aimed to interest and inspire the students.